February 2019 Member of the Month – David W.

By Member of the Month

We are happy to announce that David from our South Delta location is our Member of the Month for February 2019! His story is sure to motivate

My name is David Williams and I have been a member of LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic South Delta since August 13, 2018. I am 65-years-old and never worked out at a gym before i joined LIVE WELL. In the past I tried Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds. The problem was, I put the weight back on because no exercise program was provided in that program.

I came to the clinic because of my many health concerns: Type-2 diabetes (my present goal is to manage that), atrial fibrillation (currently I’m in normal rhythm) and obesity (peanut butter belly 🙂 ).

I have to admit, I did not find or seek LIVE WELL on my own. It was my wife who signed me up after becoming very concerned about my health. When we mentioned the program to my cardiologist, she was thrilled. In fact, she had already planned to recommend the program for me as well.

On my first visit to the LIVE WELL clinic, I became aware of how little I knew about nutrition and exercise. I did not even know about staying hydrated! The staff started right away building a program for me that would address my fitness and health issues. Unfortunately, on my second visit I horrified Raj, one of the Clinical Exercise Physiologists, when I walked in with a bottle of Dr. Pepper!

However, since then I have improved my diet and learned a lot about using the fitness equipment. I have lost 15 pounds, reduced my blood pressure from 150/90 to 110/70 and built up my strength and cardiovascular fitness. Raj has continually upgraded and intensified my program as I have progressed (even when I complain), but when I achieve the new goals, I feel good about myself and secretly I think she does too! In one incident (around Christmas) she thought I was sneaking out half way through my exercise session and came chasing after me. She then realized I was bringing in chocolates for all the members.

The other thing I am learning about my health is to not just rely on LIVE WELL, but to take it upon myself to have a program outside of the clinic that complements what I do at LIVE WELL. I now have a Fit bit for incentive to keep myself physically active. Part of this program is to return to a walking schedule. This is an activity I enjoyed in the past and still presently do.

In closing, I not only want to say how great the staff have been, but the other members as well. We constantly motivate one another. At one point, my health suffered a set-back and the staff and members were genuinely concerned about me. All of us are on a first-name basis and I feel like I have a second family at LIVE WELL South Delta.

We are so grateful to David for sharing his story . David, your willingness to learn, adapt and grow into a happier and healthier new you is inspiring and encouraging for us all!!

Member of the Month

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